yeah, for all modules, I always think about what will I have under cv control, and what won’t be…
deciding on cv inputs (and outputs) is down to lots of different factors, some technical (could be performance, or underlying implementation) , some use-case (e.g. does this fit what I the goal of the module?)
with omod, I really wanted to keep it pretty simple - it was modelled/inspried by ochd…
which is very simple, and the outputs are very much ‘related’ .
adding cv in to change ratios and phase, would kind of go against that, imho.
if you’re not careful, adding lots more controls to omod, is basically turning it into an 8 oscillator module… what advantage does that have? over using individual modules?
if we ‘need’ a multi oscillator module… how would that look ?
(Id prefer to review what modules we need , rather than just add complexity to modules)
then there is the technical side…
modulating phase has to be done very carefully…as its very ‘low level’ - if you just do it abruptly, you will get nasty audio artefacts.
so, if you’re just modulating phase with an lfo, depending on waveforms, you may need smoothing.
but if you want to full PM, they you don’t want any… as you need direct control over phase.
as for surround panner… yeah, Ive consider this many times, on many platforms… and indeed, Ive also thought the SSP would be great for this (as it has lots of outputs!)
my idea has always been to model this on the Buchla 227e or the Koma Poltergeist…
as surround panning is more than just about altering respective levels , you need a way to be able to modulate effectively… and using radial position is (I believe) more intuitive than x/y positions… thought of course, no reason I could not do both
why have I not done it already?
I don’t currently have a way to enjoy quad sound in my studio… so not going to create something I cannot use/enjoy/test (choose which you think is most important )
I keep thinking about buying 4 minirigs speakers (plus sub) for this… as they are small, so won’t take over my space - but gets pretty pricey …
other choice is another pair of HS7s, but im not thrilled by sound of the two I have already…
(great monitors, but for ‘performance’ they are lacking)
so yeah, Ive been prevaricating on this for quite some time (probably around 3+ years - lol)
edit: oops is more like 4+ years…
basically, Ziv approached me before this video… we talked about creating a ‘cheap’ hardware solution for this video…but whilst, I had the (computing) hardware to create it, I realised I was going to need to spend about $500+ on speakers to make it worth my while, and then also had no idea how to actually set this up the space im using ( cabling issues… e.g. running power and audio to different corners of room)
but yeah, I keep revisiting the idea… and Im soon re-arranging my studio space (again), and cabling in the new space might be a bit more practical. also, as its a separate space, Im more likely to use speakers. (as I tend to use headphones currently)