TheTechnobear : Release Announcements (no comments)

TheTechnobear’s Announcement Topic

this topic is a place for me to make announcement about releases etc.
free from other comments, so users can always see latest announcements.

please do not post in this topic

its for announcements from me (TheTechnobear) only.

if you have questions, or comments on releases (even thanks etc) , please use my development topic
I want to keep this topic ‘clean’ , so users can easily find details of my latest releases.

Downloads / Documentation on the Community Wiki

please go to the community wiki to access download link here

early access is via my ko-fi page,
there I will post ‘private’ topics with links - you can ‘follow’ to get notifications.

Supporting development

if you would like to support/encourage/motivate me, please consider donating via my ko-fi.

Early Access

as a small thank you to those supporting me via ko-fi, I give my supporters “early access” to my new (or updated) modules, and other developments.
for 30 days after your donation, or if you are a monthly supporter you will have access to ‘support only’ posts, which contain a link to these releases. ( * )

TheTechnobear’s Resources

ko-fi page to support :

my open source repo (code) for SSP :

(source code is only made available when it is publicly released, during early access it is still under development - and so not an official release)

community wiki for SSP : community wiki
topic to discuss wiki here

( * ) please note: this is a thank you only… and is done within the (limited) constraints that ko-fi allows, as it keeps it simple for me. my release schedule etc is not related to donations, and so there may well be no releases during your ‘30 day’ period… so please do not treat this as an expectation. its simply an early access to those recently contributing. if you are not interested in supporting, and only interested in ‘free stuff’, the simply wait for me to release it openly.

Release Day :slight_smile:

ok, so we now have the wonderful news of the new SSP release

which means I can release the new versions of my plugins that will work with this new release !

This release contains all the plugins Ive previously released updated to the new sdk.
There have been many small bug fixes/improvements to these plugins too.
The issue with ‘plugin midi’ (e.g. learn) has been resolved, so you can now use them without fear :wink:

there are also TWO new modules in this release…

  • MTTR : midi trigger
    allows users to specify 8 midi notes to trigger 8 gates/velocity.
    perfect for using with SAM to trigger samples from an external controller
  • VOST : voltage store
    store and recall voltages, great for ‘preset’ like behaviour within a patch… but has many other uses.
    tip: its also an attenuverter, so also interesting to use to mix audio.
    this is a module, the more creative you get with it , the more you will discover!

go to SSP Wiki for the download link. Ive also updated this wiki for two new modules.

note 1: this plugin release will NOT work with the older SSP release, only the new release linked above

note 2: this release does NOT feature all the new plugins - only the 2 listed above.
as detailed previously, I will release all of these over coming weeks,
likely 2 at a time, first via ko-fi, then publicly… so watch out on ko-fi for those!

the primary aim of this is to let users dig into each new module in a bit of time, to discover what it can be used for… rather than get lots all in one go, and not explore them all. this in turns means I hope to get valuable feedback for all the modules … rather than just the ‘obvious’ ones :wink:

anyway, enjoy the new releases !


Early Access Release Day

As promised, for my supporters Im going to be releasing the new modules over the next few weeks.

The purpose is twofold:

first, a thank you for those supporting my development efforts - I really appreciate you taking the effort to support me.

second, to get some early feedback on these modules from these important users.

The reason Im not releasing everything all at once is quite simple, I’d like people to dig into each module , rather than just the obvious ones… and also get creative with each in turn.

the ‘less exciting’ modules often open some less obvious doors IF you spend time with them.

anyway, this week, its the turn of two new modules

CLKD : a dedicated clock module, with multipliers and divisions.

LOGI : a quad logic module

lots of creative possibilities with these, and of course, add SHQ into the mix, and that opens up some really interesting possibilities.

Note: SSP wiki has been updated to include details of these modules.

see top post about how to join the “Early Access” program on ko-fi


Release Day

public release of CLKD/LOGI , download from community wiki page (see top post)

there will a new EA Release very soon :slight_smile:


as promised…

Early Access Release Day

two new modules

COMP : simple stereo compressor with sidechain input

DRUM : synthesized drum kit for quick and simple to use percussive kit

These feel like they compliment each other… whats a compressor without a drum kit :slight_smile:
also these, build nicely on the last release of CLKD and LOGI, which are a nice source of triggers!

see top post about how to join the “Early Access” program on ko-fi


Early Access Release Day

CART - cartesian sequencer
SRVB - simple reverb
HARM - harmonic oscillator

lets start from the bottom…
HARM, a nice simple oscillator, which really is fun to modulate the tilt of to get different tones. its a bit different in approach so you may need to experiment with to get the most from… also try combining with another osc (e.g. PLTS)

SRVB, a low cost (cpu) reverb… why another? well because all reverbs are different, have a character so work better in different situations… so just pick whichever suits your needs for a particular preset.

CART, without doubt my favourite module and probably after PMIX, the one Ive spent most dev time on (to date).
It’s just such a simple to use, yet powerful, inspiring sequencer. I pretty much use it in every patch… even if just for modulation.

Fun Fact: CART drove the development of CLKD and LOGI, as during dev, I found was begging for a flexible way of clocking CART in interesting ways.

Note: SSP wiki has been updated to include details of these modules.

see top post about how to join the “Early Access” program on ko-fi


SSP Early Access - LDRF/OMOD/DLYD modules

Early Access Release Day :slight_smile:

so… we are finally here… the day that you now have to all the modules I showed at Superbooth :slight_smile:

the new ones today are:

LDRF - quad ladder filter
OMOD - octo modulator
DLYD - multi tap delay

Lets start from the top…

LDRF - simple , a quad low pass ladder filter, so you can get the ‘moog’ sound :slight_smile:
its a really nice alternative to the SVF we already have.
not really much more to say about that one… it does what it says on the tin !

OMOD - a quick n’ simple modulation source, providing 8 modulation outputs.
This one was partially inspired by OchD by Ben aka DivKid.
I learnt early on in eurorack, you can never have enough modulation… really its modulars ‘secret sauce’.
But adding lots of separate lfos gets tedious… (and in hardware expensive).

also quite often we want LFOs phase and speed to be related to each other, to make things sound cohesive.
OchD does this nicely, with a nice small and quick n’ simple to UI.

so I wanted something similar…
but of course, given inputs and knobs are ‘virtual’ here, I decided to add a few extras.
so OMOD has more flexibly than ochd , e.g. flexible ratios, waveforms and phase.
but still at its heart, you just set a frequency… then set ratios and your are good to go :slight_smile:

finally it addressed something I know people wanted… a clockable LFO !
yup, you can sync OMOD to any clock !

DLYD - another delay module…
this one is stereo and features 4 taps , all of which can have their time modulated.
modulating delay time, is one of my favourite things… and not possible on DLY.
this module was kind of inspired by Magneto from Strymon, by using a kind of ‘tape model’.
thats not to say it’s the same, there are many differences, but its got a similar vibe and ‘internal model’.

Note: SSP wiki has been updated to include details of these modules.

see top post about how to join the “Early Access” program on ko-fi


super! can’t wait to get dig into these!


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Public Release Day

Just released all of my plugins publicly… see link in first post.

This also means the source code for new plugins is also available on my public repository, again in first page.

Enjoy !


Early Access Release Day

as a thank you to my supporters, and in time for the weekend…
Ive released a very early copy of the LOOP. my new 4 track looper module for the SSP.

(see first post for details of the Early Access Program)

I’ve updated the wiki with information about the module, and also some important tips n’ tricks.

I know having a looper is an important milestone for some,
so I have created a separate topic for its discussion here, and where it may or may not go.
(please do NOT comment in this topic)

when will it be released outside of EAP, honestly I don’t now…
as discussed (more detail) in the above topic, this is a different approach, and has different goals.
so although it works well, I consider it very much a work in progress

(of course, I will post in this topic, when it is ready for release)


Mark aka TheTechnobear

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Early Access Release Day

as a thank you to my supporters, and in time for the weekend…
Ive released an update to LOOP to support loading/saving of layers to files, and also a new module GRA4 - a 4 (!) layer granular module.

(see first post for details of the Early Access Program)

I’ve updated the wiki with information about the new module module, and also some important tips n’ tricks.

as LOOP / GRA4 are rather similar in implementation… Im going to combine the module page for discussion, rather than create a new one.

when will it be released outside of EAP, honestly I don’t now…
as discussed (more detail) in the above topic, this is a different approach, and has different goals.
so although it works well, I consider it very much a work in progress

(of course, I will post in this topic, when it is ready for release)


Mark aka TheTechnobear