TheTechnobear’s Announcement Topic
this topic is a place for me to make announcement about releases etc.
free from other comments, so users can always see latest announcements.
please do not post in this topic
its for announcements from me (TheTechnobear) only.
if you have questions, or comments on releases (even thanks etc) , please use my development topic
I want to keep this topic ‘clean’ , so users can easily find details of my latest releases.
Downloads / Documentation on the Community Wiki
please go to the community wiki to access download link here
early access is via my ko-fi page,
there I will post ‘private’ topics with links - you can ‘follow’ to get notifications.
Supporting development
if you would like to support/encourage/motivate me, please consider donating via my ko-fi.
Early Access
as a small thank you to those supporting me via ko-fi, I give my supporters “early access” to my new (or updated) modules, and other developments.
for 30 days after your donation, or if you are a monthly supporter you will have access to ‘support only’ posts, which contain a link to these releases. ( * )
TheTechnobear’s Resources
ko-fi page to support :
my open source repo (code) for SSP :
(source code is only made available when it is publicly released, during early access it is still under development - and so not an official release)
community wiki for SSP : community wiki
topic to discuss wiki here
( * ) please note: this is a thank you only… and is done within the (limited) constraints that ko-fi allows, as it keeps it simple for me. my release schedule etc is not related to donations, and so there may well be no releases during your ‘30 day’ period… so please do not treat this as an expectation. its simply an early access to those recently contributing. if you are not interested in supporting, and only interested in ‘free stuff’, the simply wait for me to release it openly.