you cannot use ‘traditional’ gui elements on the SSP vst, since the user does not have access to a mouse/keyboard
what you need is to get the events from setParameter to the editor, and then you can write your own ‘UI’ that responds to these events.
there are ‘various’ ways to do this,
the simplest way (*) is to do qvca, which is to access the processor from the editor, periodically using a timer, or with an update method being invoked from the processor (see what qvca does in processBlocks, but you could do elsewhere (e.g. setParameter)
the ‘trick’ here, is that the sdk example is storing the last parameter values.
L64 : paramValues[index-Percussa::sspFirst] = newValue;
so you can use these values from the editor.
note: you can assume when a user stops turning an encoder it goes to zero.
(*) be careful with thread safety, as mentioned in the comments, the UI (aka editor) runs in a different thread to the audio processing… so accessing from both could be problematic.
there are many solutions to this - and its discussed widely on the internet and programming texts.
really thats it… thats the ‘simple’ way… that should get you started.
from there you can adapt to your own requirements which depend upon kind of vst your writing, and what it needs to do.
the above should be enough to get you started…
Im not sure how much experience you have with VST, C++ and DSP dev in general,
if you’re new to it, all i can say is … the only way to learn is to ‘get your hands dirty’.
unfortunately, plugin development requires experience in c++, dsp and in this case things like Juce.
it can be a bit daunting at first, but you can only learn by trying.
(also on the SSP this is complicated since you cannot just use the ‘gui builder’ to right the UI, you’ll need to use graphics primitives)
don’t get me wrong, I think it would be useful if we had an ‘easier’ way for people to build plugins for the SSP,
and perhaps I might do something in this area later - but for now, I’m spending a lot of time writing my own plugins (which i think benefits more SSP users) so don’t really have time to spend doing this