Hello all. I’m setting up a C++ dev environment to start tinkering with SSP VSTs and wanted to just share my notes as I go, hopefully it helps or inspires others to try coding. Here’s a compilation of all the relevant links I could find on the forum so far talking about VST development for reference.
I compiled it and downloaded Visual Studio Community edition 2019 yesterday with all the C++ supporting packs I could find on the installer wizard. I hope to go through the walkthrough Bert has posted on the forum this weekend. I’ve got background in computer engineering and electrical engineering so I’m hip to concepts but currently out of practice with code. Environment errors always trip me up more than actual coding errors.
What IDE do you develop C++ in?
Should I do everything in a Linux environment or can I code/debug/build things on Windows using appropriate compilers?
Was i2c ever enabled in the Device list as was mentioned in a past forum thread?
Would it be helpful to create a library of “pseudo hardware inputs” like button presses or knob turning? That way I could run through a series of test in software before actually having to turn the knobs myself on the SSP?
" fakeSSP.button.on() " being passed to the VST and having it respond accordingly… dunno just thinking out loud, I don’t know if this would be possible or useful, but if you’ve got an idea of how you’d do this, I’d love to see a bullet point list of tasks to follow
I actually don’t have access to my SSP until September because I’m currently out of my home country, so I’m hoping to tinker with JUCE tutorials and C++ tutorials until then, and compile links.
Dreams of possibilities:
Teletype i2c interfacing, basically copy the code from the ER-301 and modify it for SSP. I’d have to create Teletype OPs and SSP code to work together, but I think this should be relatively straightforward seeing as there’s a lot of code out there already doing this job as well as an active teletype development forum on lines. Here’s an incomplete compilation of teletype i2c links for this task to get someone situated. Would also open up the SSP to the 16n faderbank as a controller if we get i2c working.
ORCA module - I saw technobear got ORCA running on the SSP, was that a separate application other than SYNTHOR running or was that inside a VST module in the SSP? I’d love to make some sort of 64 x 64 pixel ORCA VST to use inside the patching environment. Just a dream right now, I’ve just been mesmerized by youtube videos of ORCA, I need to download it and play around with it first.
Convolution Module
Mutable instruments ports
Quadraphonic Mixer Module
Edit: I was investigating the Befaco Lich and then learned about Rebel Technology and then learned their OWL patches are all available online as well. Lich supports C++ so it might be easy to learn from some of the code here and compile it for linux / armhf somehow. I’ll have to investigate and write up what is needed to “compile for linux / armhf” if someone gives you a c++ file…
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