This plugin is deprecated, and work on it has stopped for now, since @thetechnobear has written a much more fully-featured plugin here! (1.9 MB)
Here’s the beginnings of a dedicated Oscilloscope plugin, inspired by the Mordax Data.
Right now, it just displays four inputs on a full-screen scope in different colours.
Improvements planned (no timeline):
- Adjusting the vertical scale and position of each trace with the encoders
- Adding some voltage scale information next to each encoder
Improvements needed (but not planned, because I don’t know how to approach them):
- Adjusting the timescale of the display. It seems like that would require changing the audio buffer size, which VST plugins don’t have access to, but I am not an expert, so if anyone can think how to do this then let me know!
Any other feedback or suggestions welcome, either here or in the form of Pull Requests or Issues on Github. The code repo is here.
Edit: I just want to say that this is me learning to make plugins for the SSP and came about partly because it was the smallest change from the sample SSP SDK (QVCA module.) So it’s early days, a bit of fun right now but hopefully it will get more useful over time…