Noise Module

Coarse seems to “jump” at 6 or 7 points. It’s not a smooth transition. Also white noise doesn’t pitch at all?

White is Random. Maybe you’re wanting Velvet Noise?

@NeilParfitt it’s totally possible I thought you could pitch white noise and you actually can’t? lol

I asummed not as there’s no fundamental frequency, so what would be pitched up and down if it’s all random noise?

You could sorta make it sound tuned by adding a BP or HI Or Lo pass filter after it with a bump in the Q.

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I don’t know what you mean - the noise generator has a frequency setting because you can change the frequency at which the random values are generated. So if you sweep up the frequency it will become white noise, if you sweep it down it becomes rumbling “arcade” type noise.

True white noise has energy for all frequencies of the spectrum, so @NeilParfitt is right that if you want to “pitch” that you have to run it through a filter and play with the cutoff, for example.

The noise generator in the SSP’s software can be switched to “White” or “Toggle”. In white mode it outputs true white noise and in Toggle it outputs the noise with variable frequency.

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@bert I get it now. I knew about the filter method and totally blacked out or something lol. That’s why there’s a forum and good people like Neil and you. Thank you. @NeilParfitt


Correct me if I’m wrong but can’t you run white (or any color) noise through a sample and hold module to turn the randomness into stepped voltages? And then use this to drive the pitch of an oscillator? If so, maybe a S&H unit could be added to the SSP wishlist. Might be fun to utilize these with the sequencer perhaps? :thinking:


would really like to see a clock input for the toggle noise. want to use the noise as the note source through the quantizer. but there’s no way to sync the noise to a tempo. would also like to see a wider range on the noise, doesnt seem to go the entire range.

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also maybe a clock out from the noise as well would be very useful.

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OK, no problem, i’ll get this done as soon as I can after superbooth.


the noise generator has a sample and hold built in, so when you sweep the frequency you are actually changing the interval of the S&H.

Hi Bert, If you’re going to take time to update the Noise module to add trigger input, could slew options, and a small range of distribution options possibly fit in as well? I ask as that begins to turn the noise module into a more full-featured random source. Thx!
P.S. It just occurred to me, if the noise is driven by a clocked S&H, could any slew options be “smart” enough to follow Noise module clock frequency? What I mean is after setting slew appropriately for a slower rate, then if you speed up the noise clock rate, the slew rate should shorten to remain proportional, rather than “too slewed”.

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slew and trigger inputs/outputs are not a big deal but more distributions takes a lot more time, so I can’t promise I can do those in the same pass.

probably, i’ll see when I work on it.

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“…distributions takes a lot more time,” you know a lot more than me about this, I would guess at its simplest it could be a lowpass/highpass filter cascade on the white noise before its sampled.

Either way that sounds fine to me, I know you have lots of things to work on and you know the best ways to allocate your time.

It strikes me as smart to start with more basic building block modules, then build them over time into higher functioning modules. Kind of like hot rodding good, basic Doepfer modules into patch programmable Serge modules over time.

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if a module becomes more advanced, those who are new to modular synthesis and/or the ssp will have to understand all the different things it can do rather than just understanding one concept.

so the goal is to keep the modules as simple as possible, and so they only do one specific thing rather than doing multiple things. If we were to put a filter in a module, then before we know it, we will be putting the same filter in many different modules and that is unsustainable.

so I would say let’s add the trigger inputs/outputs, and maybe make a seperate S&H module rather than adding a filter inside the noise module to achieve some kind of distribution. you can use the existing SVF/comb filters to filter the noise as you wish, and if it turns out we need a specific kind of filter to achieve a certain distribution then we can always consider adding that as a seperate module.

the same goes for the slew - if the envelope follower can provide the slew you want, then it makes more sense to not put a slew inside the noise generator. if it cannot then the question is, should the envelope generator get an additional parameter, or does it really have to be inside the noise generator for some reason.

I hear what you’re saying here, 2 points-

First, I wasn’t suggesting using filtration to modify the audio output of the Noise module. I was suggesting an internal process to allow weighting the random output of the toggled noise to range from having less “big changes”, to its normal random, to finally winding up at higher probability of “big changes”, with less small changes. I wanted to hopefully see the Noise module eventually grow into something even more useful for random voltage generation.

Second, one of the ways the SSP has been marketed as is as a replacement for buying other hardware modules. So, in a sense, the SSP is competing against the general level of complexity and features that other oscillators, LFO’s, filters, and random “sources of uncertainty” have in the eurorack market. At the SSP’s price point, and with it’s hardware’s horsepower, there’s a reasonable expectation the included modules should be more than just basic eventually. And many of them already are, the granular and wavetable modules come to mind as being very advanced already.

At the same time I certainly don’t expect all this to occur immediately either, it takes time to fully flesh out any software platform, and the SSP hasn’t been around as long as the ER-310 or Kyma.

Thanks for the bandwidth! :smiley:


i see what you mean … there is definitely situations where something has to be inside the noise module than outside of it.

the SSP is a lot more than that I’d say … you have the ability to build whatever you want, out of the basic building blocks. It’s impossible for us to copy every other eurorack module out there in the SSP, we provide the building blocks to let you do that, if that is what you want to do. And you can do it at better quality, and you can decide what parts you want or don’t want. We provide the platform, basically, and the building blocks, and a collection of patches to get you started.

It’s true that some modules are more complex than others and that’s totally fine, as long as they stick to one particular role, IMHO. So for example more features on the granular makes sense, but combining a granular module with an envelope generator and filter in one module doesn’t … if you want that, that is what the patching system is for. So if you want more trigger inputs and outputs or other distributions on the noise generator, that makes total sense.

Anyway, I don’t want to sound inflexible, I’ll see what makes the most sense and gives the most creative possibilities as I continue working on the modules.

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Exactly! And this would apply to other modules certainly, no sense adding a SVF to the LFO when I can patch one up with little difficulty.

No, I don’t see that as inflexible. Being a small shop, you need to avoid “feature-creep”, particularly if it’s not productive or duplicative. And that last part about being open to adding whatever gives the most creative possibilities is what I was asking for.

It would be pointless to copy every eurorack module out there (there’s a lifetime of work!), but an ideal long term goal to me would be that each individual building block should compare well to the better examples in hardware modules, as long as it’s functionality that appropriately should be inside the module.