When I look back at the Kickstarter campaign on the SSP for votes on modules, a lot of these modules got me excited about the future of the SSP. In view of the recent campaign, I got thinking about what I would like to see and the idea that I would be happy to pay for a module, now I know this isn’t mega bucks at moment, but every little helps and how this would increase consumer interest when you are looking to release the next mSSP campaign. I therefore put it to you and forum if this is of interest and can happen.
I would like to see @2disbetter, Matt put out another vote to the forum and the highest voted modules get put into production and there could be different price ranges based on how advanced/complex the module is to develop, time is money! I was excited at Matt’s consideration to developing the Mutable Instrument ranges and I was more than happy to pay for these.
As an example only, if I could have a Steiner Parker filter, or a surround panner module at a reasonable amount against the cost of hardware in the SSP, it would be worth every penny/dollar/euro, or whatever the currency used.
What modules are in development and what modules are to come in the future would then make the mSSP far more attractive and earn some cash along the way, and in the future. I personally was looking forward to having one SSP and two mSSP’s (I nearly backed more) in my system because of what I see going forward.
Anyway, I will leave this for everyone’s opinion if any of above is worthy of consideration/discussion.