Today, I’m releasing a new project, one that allows non-developers to create new modules for the SSP.
I hope not only will this help individuals to get more from their SSP, but allow end-users to contribute to development, and share their endeavours.
This work is all based around Cycling 74’s RNBO, being used with my ‘SSP template’.
some important facts:
- SSP modules created can be used by anyone, without additional software or licenses
- you may not sell created modules without purchase a JUCE licence, or open sourcing code.
- any modules you distribute should be open sourced
- Max/RNBO can be used license free
though, with the limitation that you cannot save patches, saving requires a license.
generally this means, anyone can use the modules created, and as a developer you’re ok, if you distribute source code (e.g. on GitHub)
more details are in the project readme, pay particular attention to licensing if you are considering distribution of any kind.
Max/Rnbo version
tested against : Max 8.5.3 / RNBO v1.1.0
note: given stage of this project its likely there will be changes as we move forward.
I’ll try to remember to post here to inform of important changes.
Current limitations
- no midi support
- macOS / Linux support only
- I’ve not included an example patch yet
(this is not really needed as the documentation shows how to do this yourself!)
- max 16 parameters
Window’s users, I have no plans to natively support windows for a variety of technical reasons.
however, you can still use this project by install a linux virtual machine.
There are many flavours of VM, and some are free… so this is not really an impediment for windows users, and frankly is better than using a native windows dev environment
Due to time required for development support, including setting up development environments, I can only give a limited support - however, there are plenty of resources to help you on your way.
Initially, I will prioritise support to current ko-fi supporters, as a thank you for your support.
If you need more extensive help, please contact me via DM…
we could arrange private lessons via skype/zoom, if this interests you.
Original topic
some history behind this idea, is in this topic
as mentioned previously, very excited by this project and the opportunities it opens up for the user community.