I thought I’d start a topic on this, as Im sure someone here will spot/raise it soon enough
What is Max RNBO?
Max is a visual patching program that can be used by non-programmers for audio visual applications.
It’s a commercial application by Cycling 74, though students (iirc) can get it for free. It’s similar to pure data (though PD is free), but it’s a lot more polished, it’s actually pretty nice… very mature and highly respected.
RNBO (pronounced Rainbow) allows these max patches to be converted to VSTs / AU and other target platforms.
so the hope/dream is therefore non-programmers can create there own (e.g. VST) modules, or even run these patches on hardware like a raspberry PI.
cool - no?
How does this relate to the SSP?
well, the idea is pretty simple… how about using this to create modules for the SSP ?
Yup… this is an idea that Im actively investigating at the moment, and it does look interesting !
ok, its early stages, as rnbo has only just been released… and whilst theres alot of info/docs, its going to take a while to go thru and experiment with.
BUT, I do want to limit expectations a bit… before we get too excited
What’s my hope/plan?
What Id like to do is create a kind of ‘template’ that we will be able to plug a RNBO patch into, and then we can just compile and throw onto the SSP , and it’ll appear as a new module.
this is pretty much the ‘ideal’ scenario, and goal… and I want to get as close to this as possible.
Limitations / Expectations
(these may change as I discover more… both positive and negative !)
Im pretty sure, it’s not possible to generate any UI for the plugin.
this is not really an issue… my current idea is to try to create some kind of standardised UI.
whilst, also trying to allow custom UI to also be used… but you’ll need to know C++ to do this. -
VST source code is NOT exported
this actually surprised me, but when you export rnbo patch to a vst3, it does not give you the code… it compiles the ‘vst’ on the cloud, so you only get a binary.
this means it cannot be used with the SSP, since the linux target is not correct, and also cannot be modified. I suspect the rPI target is very similar.
so we can only use the Source Code target (not a bit deal , but means more work!) -
Max is not free/commercial
anyone that wants to do build their own modules will need a max license. its not ideal, but also not something that’ll stop me.
(of course anyone can USE a module thats been built this way, see below)
also building on a 3rd party commercial product is not ideal either. so basically this’ll have to be ‘really good’ to be viable for me.
I’ve had a quick look at generated code, the license for this code appears to be non-commercial only. i.e. you’d not be able to sell a module generated this way. however its usage is completely un-licensed.
(ok, not strictly true, you’d have to apply for a license (fee?) from cycling 74) -
No custom targets (currently?)
RNBO supports different targets (e.g. VST Mac, rPI, Source Code), whats cool is its integrated into Max… so a quick build/compile/test cycle - however, it does not appear to have any customisation in this area, so some of the process for the SSP will have to be ‘manual’. though I hope to try to minimise this.
Next Steps / Expectations
Im starting already to play with RNBO to see what’s possible, and figure out how Id integrate it with the SSP SDK and my ‘UI Framework’.
This is going to take some time, it’s far from trivial … and there are a lot of open questions.
also, upfront I should say, even if it works, I will be able to give limited support to those wanting to create modules… as development support is extremely time consuming.
BUT it is an exciting development…
as I said , Max is a great patching environment… so this could open up many possibilities