Handsonicsuki’s test modules

This is an SSP module for a burst trigger module I made with the Max RNBO template.
Hopefully this module will help somebody with something. :slight_smile:

Max RNBO template - user created modules - SSP SDK - Percussa Forum

The link below is a Zip file containing the RNBO patch and the .so file for the SSP.

TriggerIn = trigger in
Clock = clock
Probability = CV for control probability of burst
BurstSpeed = CV for control burst speed
BurstNumber = CV for number of Burst
BurstDensity = CV for BurstDensity
TriggerOut = trigger-out

・Probability of burst
・CV control : If value is 1, CV is received at in-2 to in-5. If value is 0, control value via UI.
(I wanted to be able to automatically switch between control via UI and control via CV, but I was too noob to do that. LOL)
・Speed : Decide burst interval. Divide the current clock interval by the speed value.
・Number of burst: MAX = 16
・Burst density : Probability of each burst trigger occurring.


This is an SSP module for a Feedback Looper I made with the Max RNBO template.

Max RNBO template - user created modules - SSP SDK - Percussa Forum

I made this for my real-time performance with a midi pad to synchronize multiple Looper & easily record and erase.
The link below is a Zip file containing the RNBO patch and the .so file for the SSP.

The function is simple.

AudioIn = Audio-in
RECGate = Gate for REC (Gate-on=REC, Gate-off=stop REC)
ResetPosition = Trigger for Reset buffer’s position to start position
ClearBuffer = Trigger for clear Buffer’s data
audioOut = Audio-out

・Monitor level of audio-in
・Recording level
・Feedback level from recording buffer

Combined with the STE module, it becomes a Looper that loops in sync with the BPM.
In that case, put Gate at the 1st step of STE and put the gate signal into FBLP’s in-2.
Buffer size is fixed to 748000 samples (MAX 4 bars @ 60 BPM).

Hopefully this module will help somebody with something. :slight_smile:



Its pretty simple to modify the code to name the inputs/outputs, which I think makes modules much easier to use… its kind of the missing bit of my rnbo template.

I’ve created a how to on the SSP wiki here:

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Thanks for explaining!
I’ll name in&out of Brst and FBLP.

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great job

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I could easily change the in and out names. :slight_smile:


tip: keep the names short :wink:

if you look at the output side of the display , you can see its
output name: input module : input name

so long input and output names can quickly overflow the display
your examples are working, since you are using our modules which use shorts names :wink:
(connect your Brst:TriggerOut to your FBLP ResetPosition and you’ll see what I mean!)

what makes this worst, is if you use things like BurstDensity BurstSpeed… if you are unlucky, you won’t see enough to differentiate between them

so we are not keeping name short/abbreviations to confuse users, rather to be careful not to overflow the space available in the output section… all these little ‘design decisions’ !

(its not so much a problem on the input side, as you are only have input name)

anyway, glad my tip helped you get here… much easier to use now im sure …

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This is an 8 in&out version of [Brst] made with the Max RNBO template.

Max RNBO template - user created modules - SSP SDK - Percussa Forum

The link below is the .so file for the SSP.

Example : Brs8 OFF to ON with

Trig1~8 = Trigger in
Clock = Clock
Prob = CV for control probability of burst
Speed = CV for control burst speed
BrNum = CV for number of Burst
BrDen = CV for BurstDensity
Trig1~8 = trigger-out

・Probabillity : Probability of burst
・CV control : If value is 1, CV is received to control parameter. If value is 0, control value via UI.
・Speed : Decide burst interval. Divide the current clock interval by the speed value.
・Number of burst: MAX = 16
・Burst density : Probability of each burst trigger occurring.


thx suki,

can 1 trigger (IN) control all the trig outs ?

speed : can the clock be multiplied too ?

If you are talking about normalisation, then this cannot be done ‘out of the box’ with the template.
the reason is, RNBO knows nothing about which inputs (or outputs) are connected and not.

of course, the template is ‘just’ a template, you can write your own (specific) C++ code, that would handle this normalisation.
but its not something I can ‘generalise’, since normalisation is very specific to the task/input.

I guess, I could share a how-to (a ‘Cookbook’ ?, like I did with how to name IO)
but unfortunately, for many topics like this, its gets increasingly complicated… and so difficult to support.
(and of course, I end up having to write the code to do it in the first place… so I can share it)
… so not sure, I think Id want to see a few more getting involved first.

of course, the cool thing about RNBO (and @Handsonicsuki sharing) is you can grab the patch, and modify it , and give it a go yourself…this means you can create specific modules that match your needs, rather than having to be ‘generally useful’…
as Ive stated previously, writing ‘specific modules’ is quite a bit easier than ‘general’ modules, and so is where I (personally) see the power of RNBO.

we could even see some create a module that is just use for ONE piece of music… how cool would than be? not quite ‘live coding’, but in some ways, a similar idea… where tech n’ art combine.

I’m not sure what you mean.
But if you mean does trigger control affect all trigger out, yes, it controls all triggers.

Speed is almost the same meaning as multiplier of sync clock. And there is no clock divider function.

Maybe I should change explanation of speed.

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I tried to make a utility tool to control the Sampler module of SSP like a slice sampler.
It seems to work, but unfortunately it did not work well due to the scrubbing feature on the SSP sampler.

Yes it would be very nice to be able to toggle the tape wind sfx for sampler. Cool module you made though.


Once RNBO template is able to load contents, we can make a slice sampler that work properly.
But, maybe @thetechnobear will have made a more cool slice sampler by then! :smiley:

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yeah, Id mentioned this to Bert previously…
SWAT actually has an algorithm that’s suitable for doing slice… which is how I first discovered this :wink:
It might working with LOOP, or possibly GRA4?
(though not tried it)

That’s true.
If LOOP has a manual start/end playback trigger input, we will be able to run it as a slice sampler already.
I made trigger mode function to control a specific slice range in a round robin or random.
It seems to be fun if it worked properly.

gra4 has trig/begin… thats all you need.

the way to do this is something like

trig/lfo->swat->s&h → gra 4


Oh, I had not checked Gra4 yet.
I’ll check it!

It’s interesting that Gra4 works as a multi-voice sampler, but it doesn’t seem to work as a slice sampler since it become fade-in and fade-out at the beginning and end of the grain.
Granulator~ looks interesting, but as you mentioned, the reference documentation of it is hard to understand…

you should be able to set fade to zero, no?

as I mentioned on the other post, granular processors are not really the same as samplers… never were they suppose to be, they are kind of distant cousins :slight_smile: … they have similarities, but different roles.

but as I mentioned, recently some vsts/eurorack modules have blurred the lines a bit, but these are better thought of as ‘hybrid’ granular/samplers.

I guess, in the same way as adding a filter to a sampler, doesn’t make it subtractive synthesis :wink:

so yeah, my suggestion was more, a way of using what we have, abusing it, rather than saying the gra4 was a slice sampler.